Tyler Cipriani—Résumé
Digital rights ideologue, Vim lover, emoji junkie, dotfile tinkerer and beer geek—are all true (and potentially derisive) things that could be said about me.
I ♥ the internet—I worry about it all the time.
Tyler Cipriani
(720)-515-CIPY (2479)
I Sprechen Ze Open Source
SparkFun Web Developer/Systems Administrator Niwot, CO
Nov. 2013–Present
- Build continuous integration system with Jenkins, OpenStack, CasperJS and PHPUnit
- Move important table logging from MongoDB to PostgreSQL-trigger audit trail
- Create android-tablet ReactJS-based shipping software that allows warehouse pickers to pick 20 orders in the time it used to take to pick one
- Environment: PHP, PostgreSQL, Debian, nginx, MongoDB, Memcached, Beanstalk, Nagios, Jenkins, CasperJS, PHPUnit, Git, jQuery, QUnit, Bootstrap
UpSync Web Developer/Systems Administrator Boulder, CO
Oct. 2012–Nov. 2013
- Developed features for mobile, offline project with Zend (PHP 5.4, at the time) and a smattering of Objective-C and JavaScript
- Engineered, supported, and secured load-balanced VPC CentOS-6-based LAMP stack on AWS
- Produced several offline mobile web applications specifically built for iOS using Backbone.js, AMD, and WebSQL storages synced with MySQL 5.5
- Environment: AWS, CentOS, Zend (PHP), MySQL, XCode/Objective-C, SVN, Nagios, Cacti, WebSQL, AMD.js, Backbone, jQuery, D3
Custom Channels Director of Technology Boulder, CO
Aug. 2009–Oct. 2012
- Built and kept-up small pool of Xen-based virtual servers
- Produced and maintained Linux (CentOS and Ubuntu) servers for file storage, streaming media, and web applications in virtualized Xen environment
- Developed, designed, and architected internal and customer-facing web services to:
- Stream shoutcast channels, add and ban tracks from your library and build new streaming channels on-the-fly via web interface
- Automate management of 100s of thousands of OGG, FLAC and MP3 files using Rsync, SoX, FFMPEG, Python 2, and a fair amount of Bash
- Environment: Xen, Ubuntu, CentOS, Perl, Wordpress, MySQL, IceCast, OPML, Git, Nagios, Prototype, Bootstrap